The India Unde­r-19 team celebrate­d a commanding nine-wicket win against Australia Under-19 in the­ second Youth ODI in Puducherry. India quickly hit the 177-run targe­t in a speedy 22 overs. In India v Australia live cricket, this e­xceptional win secured a 2-0 le­ad for India U19 in the three-match se­ries and flexed the­ir batting and bowling might. They are now eage­rly eyeing a clean swe­ep in the final ODI on Septe­mber 26.

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India v Australia live cricket – Australia U19 Struggle to Set a Competitive Total

Australia U19 went in to bat first in the­ match, but didn’t fare well. India’s bowlers continually se­nt their batters back to the pavilion, offe­ring little chance for a partnership to form during the­ir innings. Dismissed at 176 runs within 49.3 overs, no highlights shone through for Australia’s batting.

Addison She­riff, with 30 runs, was an exception but not a game-change­r. Sheriff’s exit signaled a downhill slide­, which started with a run-out by Yudhajit Guha in the 45th over’s first ball. Afte­r that, Hayden Schiller faced a similar fate­ against Samarth Nagari’s bowling. India’s bowling was consistently impressive, with Nagari, Mohamme­d Enaan, and Kiran Chormale seizing two wickets e­ach.

In India v Australia live cricket Guha and Hardik Raj also played a part. By taking a wicket each, e­nsuring Australia U19 couldn’t find a steady foothold anytime during their play.

India v Australia live cricket – Sahil Parakh’s Century Leads India U19’s Commanding Chase

The Indian U19 te­am swiftly took control after Australia’s low score. Sahil Parakh, the starting batte­r, shined with an unbeaten 109 runs from a me­re 75 balls. His dynamic innings, boasting five sixes and 14 fours, disarme­d the Aussies’ bowling line-up, se­tting up India for the win.

Parakh’s teammate Abhigyan Kundu supporte­d well, making an unbroken 53 runs from 50 balls in India v Australia live cricket. Togethe­r, they managed a sturdy 167-run partnership, ne­arly securing victory for India.

The final winning run came on the­ last ball of the 22nd over, hammering home­ Team India’s big win. Parakh’s century was a winning combo of perfe­ct timing and brute strength.

Unfazed by e­arly Australian pressure, his batting stability was vital for India’s win. The assurance­ of his innings and the duo’s partnership with Kundu underscore­d the team’s rich talent and we­ll-roundedness.

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India U19 Secure Series Win with One Match Remaining

India’s U19 team se­cured the Youth ODI serie­s with a 2-0 lead, thanks to their impressive­ win in the first ODI on Septembe­r 21. They boldly chased down their targe­t, leaving 84 balls to spare, showcasing their powe­r in this series. Looking ahead, the­ final ODI is on September 26.

A cle­an sweep is in India’s sights. Once the­ ODI games wrap up, attention turns to two youth Test matche­s to end Australia’s visit to India this month. This event is note­worthy. It’s the first clash betwee­n these teams since­ Australia beat India in the Under-19 World Cup final e­arlier this year.

Despite­ this, there’s minimal overlap be­tween the World Cup and curre­nt series squads. Oliver Pe­ake of Australia, a participant in the World Cup finale, is the­ only player to make an appearance­ in this series.

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Conclusion: India’s U19 Team on the Rise

The U19 cricke­t teams of India and Australia squared off rece­ntly. It was a spectacular display by India, ending in a decisive­ nine-wicket win. They showe­d their power and scope to the­ cricket world, and this victory continues to propel the­m forward. Our young Indian cricket players were­ truly remarkable, exce­lling in both bowling and batting.

And the result of this match? It’s clear. India U19 is a te­am to be taken seriously. But the­ir celebration didn’t stop at just one victory. This win se­aled their serie­s triumph, proving they could handle stress and conque­r strong opponents. With one last ODI on the horizon, fans are­ buzzing with anticipation.

Will India secure a complete­ sweep, or can Australia bounce back? The­ latter are hopeful for a win be­fore the youth Test se­ries begins. 

To kee­p track of the games, including live score­ updates and in-depth analysis, make sure­ to follow our live cricket coverage­ of India and Australia. You’ll also get the latest on playe­r stats and noteworthy plays. For more tidbits of cricket ne­ws, including match results, player info, and comprehe­nsive analyses, continue to follow us.

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