The Fibonacci sequence betting has gained popularity since it is associated with the famous mathematical Fibonacci system. The strategy revolves around the principle that under fixed or slowly changing odds, a progressive form of betting is based on the bet amount. However, as the bet progresses, the Fibonacci sequence can get more and more complicated. Despite its popularity, the Fibonacci sequence betting system does come with its fair share of pros and cons. For a novice, a look into the Fibonacci Sequence of betting is a must to understand the world of betting better.

A Brief History of the Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci betting sequence is broadly based upon the Fibonacci series developed by Leonardo Pisano. Ancient Indian mathematics used the Fibonacci sequence. However, it was Pisano who was instrumental in introducing the series to the West. The sequence starts from zero, and is followed by a one, and subsequently goes on to infinity. Here’s the starting of the sequence.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377…

If you notice carefully, you’ll see that each successive digit is a sum of the previous two numbers. In the Fibonacci sequence betting system, we mostly tend to stay till the 11th term. 

Fibonacci Sequence Betting

Fibonacci numbers betting is based upon a negative progression betting. This means that the bets placed depend directly upon the results of the stakes-placed previously. So, let’s consider a Fibonacci sequence betting example:

It is important to note in this regard that one of the most efficient ways to place bets is to consider each bet as a unit bet of INR 10 or INR 100.

So, suppose a game offers odds in the range of 2.0, you should ideally start betting from 1.

Thus, considering your unit bet is INR 100, your bets should follow the following progression in terms of stakes placed.

1st bet = 1 x 100 = INR 100

2nd bet = 1 x 100 = INR 100

3rd bet = 2 x 100 = INR 200

4th bet = 3 x 100 = INR 300

5th bet = 5 x 100 = INR 500

6th bet = 8 x 100 = INR 800

7th bet = 13 x 100 = INR 1300

8th bet = 21 x 100 = INR 2100

9th bet = 34 x 100 = INR 3400

10th bet = 55 x 100 = INR 5500

11th bet = 89 x 100 = INR 8900

It is recommended to not bet beyond the 11th term. However, this is subject to the stakes you are putting up. If your unit bet is high and you have a greater amount of money at your disposal, then you can bet beyond the stipulated term. 

Now, while indulging in Fibonacci sequence sports betting, you have already lost the first five bets as per the list given above. The 6th bet that you place can result in a win. Accordingly, you should move two places down on the number line and place your bet at the value as per the 4th bet. Suppose you win that bet again. Then you should further move down two places and place the next bet as per the 2nd bet.

However, if you lose the bets at any point in time, you should just move onto the next number in the sequence. So, supposing you lost the 4th bet stake after going down from 6th bet, your next bet should be as per 5th bet value. 

But the rule to move two places lower on the list after every win has two exceptions:

 If you win a bet in the sequence before you have moved at least two places prior to that win, then you should start from the beginning of the sequence. If you are betting in a cycle to make for efficient bankroll management, after the cycle ends, start again at the beginning of the sequence.

Pros and Cons of Fibonacci Sequence Sports Betting


No loss: Given the way the stakes of the bet are distributing, following the Fibonacci sequence betting will ensure that when you do win, the previous investments you have made are covered in due time. Subsequently, with each successive win, your losses are covered. Consistency: The longer cycles you play, the greater are your chances to make profits


You could lose all your money if the losing streak is consistent enough.


So the question remains: Is the Fibonacci sequence betting a strategy that ensures a sure win? Betting is not based on certainty. You win some, and you lose some, and in the long term, the house never loses. Thus, while the sequence is grounded in mathematics, and the progression is sound, it is not foolproof.

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