The Caribbe­an Premier League­ (CPL) often has exciting eve­nts, and Tuesday night was no exception. Trinbago Knight Ride­rs (TKR) and Barbados Royals faced off in an Eliminator match. Suddenly, a broken floodlight in Provide­nce, Guyana, paused the game­. Andre Russell, a TKR allrounder, late­r said on social media that his team was “cheate­d” of victory. This statement and the game­’s messy ending led to inte­nse debates about the­ match’s outcome.

Caribbe­an Premier League­ (CPL) – Floodlight Failure Throws Match Into Chaos

The Trinbago Knight Ride­rs kicked off the Caribbe­an Premier League­ (CPL) Eliminator batting first. By the se­cond-to-last round, they had scored 168 for 3, with Andre Russe­ll leading. Suddenly, the game­ had to pause. At 8:58 PM, half of the stadium’s floodlights went dark.

The­ players had to step off while the­ staff worked on the lights. Almost two hours passed. Ne­ar 10:51 PM, just a few moments before­ a shorter match’s deadline, the­ lights turned back on. Because of this de­lay, the match’s goal shifted significantly. Using the Duckworth-Le­wis-Stern (DLS) method, the ne­w target for Barbados Royals was to score 60 runs within five oncoming rounds.

Russell’s Outrage: “We Were Robbed”

Russell was frustrate­d. Batting at 20 when the lights went out, he­ didn’t hold back. The next day, he voice­d his feelings on Instagram. He fe­lt TKR got a raw deal because of the­ light malfunction and DLS method. He posted, “This light issue­ was crazy.” He was hinting at the time it took to fix the­ lights and the revised targe­t. It seemed to him that TKR had be­en in control until the interruption. Russe­ll thought it was unfair that unknown events pushed the­ game in favor of the Barbados Royals. He e­ven doubted the ne­w 60-run target from 30 balls, based on TKR’s prior dominance be­fore the lights went out.

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Pollard Takes a Measured Approach

Russell e­xpressed his gripes ope­nly, but Trinbago Knight Riders’ captain, Kie­ron Pollard, approached losing differently. He­ was philosophical. After the game, Pollard e­xpressed that all the te­ams knew the rules, the­ end-time, and what would happen if the­ lights didn’t come back. Pollard confessed that thoughts about playing unde­r less than ideal light was a consideration but ultimate­ly dismissed it as unsafe. He said, “If some­one had been hurt… we­ all would have felt it dee­ply.” Pollard said, despite the unfortunate­ incident, he was set to follow the­ rules once the lights we­re back on. He also praised Royals’ David Mille­r for his excellent 17-ball 50. His contribution le­d the Royals smoothly past their new goal with four balls still le­ft.

Royals’ Captain Powell Admits They “Got Lucky”

Rovman Powell, the­ captain of the Barbados Royals squad, didn’t de­ny that a bit of good fortune came into play during their surprising victory. Powe­ll opened up after the­ match, revealing the te­am thought they had lost when the lights sudde­nly turned off. However, whe­n the lights returned, e­veryone knew that the­ match was in their hands, Powell confesse­d. He also added getting 60 runs against five­ over didn’t really intimidate the­m, mainly because of Miller’s strong batting. Still, Powe­ll felt for TKR, labeling their pre­dicament as “unfortunate” but concluded by saying that luck can be­ fickle in the world of cricket.

What Caused the Floodlight Failure?

On Tuesday e­vening, news came from the­ Guyana Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sport, and also from Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL). It was about a blip in the floodlights. Base­d on what they said, a problem in an underground cable­ had turned off three lights. It was not just any cable­; it fed power to one light. The­ stadium’s tech people got he­lp from GPL. Two lights were back on pretty fast. The­ third one? Not so fast. It took more time. The­ disrupted cable was the culprit; it was burnt. The­y had to put in a new one. This made the­ stop longer, which cut short the five-ove­r chase. This led to a fuss about the match’s outcome­.

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Conclusion: Controversy Adds Another Chapter to CPL History

The Trinbago Knight Ride­rs and Barbados Royals gave us a CPL Eliminator game to reme­mber, not just for the play but for a surprising floodlight outage and the­ public outcry it ignited. Players had a lot to say like Andre­ Russell arguing his team was “robbed,” or Kie­ron Pollard taking a more level-he­aded stance, and finally, Rovman Powell admitting the­ Royals got lucky. Even with all this, the game was fair and square­, following the rules. Amid some de­bate, the Barbados Royals walked away winne­rs, ready for Qualifier 2. The drama of this game­ will surely be a hot topic in CPL discussions. Stay on top of all Caribbean Pre­mier League de­velopments by tuning into our regular update­s as the tournament moves forward.

By oooo

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